Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vacation/Long Weekend to Colter Bay (Teton National Park)

Our week long vacation turned into a extended weekend to Colter Bay due to poor planning. We did some hiking. This particular hike was to inspiration point. I never imagined taking three children along with us to a place called inspiration point.

 The boat drivers that took us across the lake to go on the hike were impressed that Jacob was going to hike with a broken neck.
 We were inspired!
 Cade reluctantly met a new friend that Grace named Scrat.
 Scrat was not shy at all. He wanted Cade's M&Ms
 We played a lot of Frisbee at camp. 

 This is the tent cabin that we stayed in. Tent cabin? You read it right. Two walls are log and the rest is canvas. 
 It had a cool shaded area for the picnic table.

 There were four cots in the tent cabin. Grace and Jacob tried to share. By morning Grace was on the cement floor. Jacob slept the second night on the floor and then I (Kallie) took the last two nights.

 It had this nice stove inside to keep us warm. We only used it the first night when it rained. We all enjoyed it except for Mark. He liked the cold.
 Each tent cabin had its own bear box. this was the best part of the whole trip for the kids. They kept locking each other in it. Who knew? I told mark we should get rid of the swing set at home and get a bear box. Hours of entertainment.

 Jacob and Grace embarrassing Cade at the visitor's center.

 Jenny Lake
 There was a lot of rock throwing/skippiing

 Grace playing the Little Mermaid

 We took a boat ride to the other side of Jackson Lake to go hiking. We were happy to see that it was a gentle ride so that Jacob could ride.

 On our way home we stopped in Jackson Hole and ate at Bubba's. It never gets old watching Jacob try to eat messy things with his neck brace.


Natalie said...

Looks like a great vacation! Fun pictures. Thanks for all the pictures of home since a certain sister of mine stopped blogging.

John and Kathy said...

I love the pictures of Jacob at Bubba's and Mark and Grace throwing the rocks. :) Poor Cade is going to be embarrassed by his little sister and brother for the next 5 years until he leaves on his mission. Glad you had a fun trip!

Julie w said...

Glad you guys had fun!