Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Big Crash! Good-bye Bus-O-Fun.

Say good-bye to the bus-o-fun. I killed it. I kept saying the the van was dead.  Grace asked me if it would be resurrected during the second coming while we were in the ambulance. I said "No, just recycled." The EMT was trying not to laugh.
Grace was on the driver's side in the middle row. She came out with only 4 or 5 stitches in her head.
Jacob was sitting in the back seat in the middle. He only had a lap belt. Jacob had 5 staples on top of his head and two c-spine fractures in his neck.

 Grace's seat belt that she bled on and glass in her seat. Both Grace's and Jacob's windows were shattered. 

 This was the inside view of the rear seat. The side that is broken in is where Jacob usually sits. We are always telling him to sit on a side with a shoulder belt. He didn't sit there this day and only had a lap belt. Who knows what is better now. He thinks he cut the top of his head on the broken seat in front of him.

The accident happened around 11:30 a.m. We didn't get out of the E.R. until 5:45. Both kids had CT scans (this is the first I even knew Jacob hurt his neck). Then Jacob had to have an MRI because the fractures were close to an artery and they needed to make sure the artery didn't get cut from the fractures (it didn't).
Jacob was hungry because all he had eaten was a bowl of cereal that morning. He told my mom that he wanted ribs so she got him some. The napkins are in his neck brace to keep him clean, The staples are where his hair is sticking up.

Where were Mark and Cade? They were driving home from their baseball trip. They were just leaving Vegas when I called him. I am sure that was a stressful drive home.
My injuries? Bruises from the seat belt and airbag. This bruise on my arm is the same color as most of my stomach. I would show pictures but I don't know how appropriate they would be. I would change places with Jacob in a heart beat. Poor kid.

 Grace had her last day of kindergarten and program the next day. She yawned through the whole thing. The accident took a lot out of us. She is on the blue side in the white shirt. We didn't quite have it together enough to remember her blue shirt.

 We took Jacob to the neurosurgeon the next week. Jacob got his staples out and got a new brace. He gets to wear it for two months. No jumping, biking, scooters, rollerblading, swimming, amusement parks, or sports. We go back to the neurosurgeon on Aug. 14th. He should get the brace off just in time for school to start. If he heals well and does what he is told, no surgery!

 He may have half of a storm trooper costume for Halloween already.


Natalie said...

So sorry about your accident. Hopefully Jacob will heal fast. This could be a long summer for him. What a trooper. Glad everyone else is OK.

Julie w said...

I've been wondering how you all are doing. I hope poor little Jakey gets better soon!

Anthon Family said...

That sounds horrible! tell Jacob I know how it feels being stuck in something like that and not being able to do some things. Thank goodness Mark and Cade are OK. that bruise looded nasty and staples and stiches.8( get better soon guys1 and i'll see you sometime around the fourth of July.
Alyson 8)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pictures and the narrative. We just thank the Lord every night that no one was hurt any worse. Keep the brace on Jacob. While it is not fun to wear, it is 10 times better than surgery. See you soon. We love you all. G&G Read